
Welcome to the Education Portal of Harbor Baptist Church.

On this page you will find all of our teaching sessions organized into playlists as well as external, 3rd party teaching or training we believe can be useful to the body of Christ. It is our aim to build this course offering into a comprehensive education opportunity for anyone interested in digging deeper into the Bible.

Just start with the first video in whatever playlist you would like to watch and then use the playlist at the top right of the video to go on to the next video. If there are any handouts, assignments, or exercises provided in the live classes, we will make every attempt to provide links to those here as well.

Hermeneutics Course:

This is a basic Hermeneutics class we recorded during Sunday School. It covers the essential information pertaining to proper interpretation of the 66 Books of the Bible.

Logos Bible Software Basics:

This mini course is provided for everyone who would like to learn how to use the Logos Bible Software from Faithlife. This playist was provided by the late Morris Proctor of MP Seminars. NOTE: the views and beliefs of 3rd party providers are not necessarily identical with the views or beliefs of the Harbor Baptist community (Acts 17:11).

Koinonia Institute

Koinonia Institute is an online learning organization created by Dr. Chuck Missler to help alleviate biblical illiteracy in the modern evangelical Church. It is a comprehensive program if you want to dig deeply into the Bible. It is non-denomination, and best of all, it is FREE.

Biblical Training Courses

Biblical Training has become a benchmark in biblical and theological training online. If you want to dig deeper into the Word of God, if you are thinking about entering Seminary, or if you want to serve your church but believe you need more training, this is a great path to take. Best of all, it is completely free.

The Bible Project

The Bible Project is a tremendously helpful ministry that condenses each Bible book into a small, animated summary. This playlist is the entire corpus of videos the BP has released in Bible order. This series is great for both adults and children, but is best used by adults with their children, watching and discussing together.

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